Static Properties

Static properties allow users to define attributes to a class ad class creation.

Unlike python’s native property descriptor. a vproperty’s getter setter and deleter are already defined.

class Foo(object):
    x = vproperty()

Normal python descriptor symantics are already defined:

class Foo(object):

    def x(self):
       'Getter for x'

    def x(self):
       'Setter for x'


Type and instance arguments may be given to perform arbitrary valitation before the setter is called.

class Foo(object):
    x = vproperty(type=int)

class Bar(object):
    x = vproperty(isntance=int)
The type argument is only required to be a function that acccepts a single input and returns a value::
class Foo(object):
x = vproperty(type=lambda item: item.lower())


class Foo(object):
    x = vproperty()
    def check_x_type(self, value):

The instance argument performs a strict isinstance check.

class Foo(object):
    x = vproperty(type=int)

class Bar(object):
    x = vproperty(isntance=int)

foo = Foo()
foo.x = '1' # x is set to one

bar = Bar()
bar.x = '1' # error x is not an int.


Delegation may be one of two forms, strict: and can only be done when the instance argument is used or loose, where no error checking is done:

class Foo(object):
    x = vproperty(type=int)

class Bar(object):
    foo = vproperty(isntance=Foo)
    # Strong Delegation of bar.x to 
    x = foo.x
    # Weak delegation of bar.y to
    y = delegate('foo', 'x')
    # Also can do
    y = delegate(foo, Foo.x)

vproperty objects

class traity.statics.vproperty(fget=None, fset=None, fdel=None, type=None, ftype=None, instance=None, fdefault=None)
  • fget – method to get attribute
  • fset – method to set attribute
  • fdel – method to delete attribute
  • ftype – method to convert type of attribute on assignment
  • instance – if given, all assignments to this property must pass an isinstance check.
  • fdefault – method to get attribute if undefined
  • type – shorthand for ftype, type may be a basic python type not a method. int, float etc.

Define a static attribute to a class. Behaves almost exactly the same as Python properties:

class Parrot(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._voltage = 100000

    def voltage(self):
        """Get the current voltage."""
        return self._voltage

vproperty defines default fget, fset and fdel:

class Parrot(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.voltage = 100000

    voltage = vproperty()

vproperty adds ftype, instance and fdefault:

class Parrot(object):

    voltage = vproperty(type=int)

    def __init__(self):
        self.voltage = 100000
        self.voltage = '100000'
        #ValueError 'abc' is not convertable to int. 
        self.voltage = 'abc'


class Parrot(object):

    voltage = vproperty()
    def dynamic_range(self, value):
        return clamp(value, 0, self.max_volts)


class Parrot(object):

    voltage = vproperty()
    def voltage_default(self):
        return 10000

Delegates to an inner attribute. instance= argument must be set in constructor.

Used by __getattr__ for convinience. eg x.delegates_to(‘y’) can be written as x.y


Set the type validation as a method of the containing class:

def check(self, value):


delegate objects

class traity.statics.delegate(outer, inner, *chain)

Delegate attribute lookup to an inner object


Delegate to an inner attribute. can also use getattr method/


return the list of delegates as a flat list